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Family Caregiver Program

Senior Patient

Today, more than one in five Americans (21.3 percent) are caregivers, having provided care to an adult or child with special needs at some time in the past 12 months. This totals an estimated 53.0 million adults in the United States, up from the estimated 43.5 million caregivers in 2015, according to the 2020 Caregiving in the U.S. report by NAC and AARP.  The services they provide were valued at $470 billion per year in 2017 - up from $375 billion in year 2007.   Unpaid family caregivers will likely continue to be the largest source of long-term care services in the U.S. 

     On a more personal level, caregiving can be an overwhelming task.  No one should have to struggle through the process alone, it takes a team to provide care for an elderly loved one.  The Family Caregiver Support Program helps caregivers find the keys to successful caregiving.

Caregiver Balance
Being a family caregiver often comes with some inherent stress.  Caregiver Balance is aimed at giving caregivers hands on, time tested tools for stress management.  We have exercise books, guided imagery CDs and a booklet with tips to help identify stress, and offers some tips on stress management.  All of these materials are free of charge.  If you would like more information about Caregiver Balance, please contact Kathy Bullis ext. 121 or Paula Fann ext. 125

Caregiver Support Group
Support groups are an important and effective way for caregivers to support each other.  A monthly on line support group is held on the last 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2:00.  Each meeting consists of 20 minutes of information and education followed by time for caregivers to share experiences and solutions with each other.  The meetings are held virtually at this time with the hope of adding a face to face group later.  For more information please contact Kathy Bullis ext. 121, Paula Fann ext. 125 or Regina Vonhasseln ext. 106.

Respite Services

There are no strict financial guidelines.  These services are awarded on a caregiver burden basis.  The services of the respite worker must relieve an unpaid family caregiver.  It is not necessary for the caregiver to live in residence with the care receiver.  However, there must be a legitimate need for respite.


Traditional respite is a contracted service provided through Elara Caring and Genesis,(all 18 counties), All Ways Caring (Iron, Madison, St. Francois), VNA (Butler, Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott) and Advantage Home Care (all counties except Carter).  The contract provider is responsible for staffing, scheduling and all other employee affairs.

“Together We Care” Self Directed Respite Program is a reimbursement program, in which the caregiver is responsible for hiring, scheduling and all other employee affairs.  The FCG program reimburses up to $140 a month toward the pay of a respite worker.


Adult Day Care:  Adult day program may be accessed by calling the provider and making a referral directly to them to use the Aging Matters Family Caregiver funds.   St. Elizabeth Adult Day Care is an adult day program available in Ste. Genevieve and Perry counties.  This service may be accessed by calling the provider and applying directly to them.


                                                St Elizabeth’s Adult Day Program

                                                765 Market St.

                                                Ste. Genevieve MO 63701

                                                Telephone: (573) 883-7603

                                                Fax: (573) 772-3674

                                                Contact Person: Debbie Allen


Supplemental Services
Supplemental Services may provide supplies and goods necessary for keeping an elder at home; which the caregiver cannot provide and are not covered by Medicare or Medicaid. These supplies are items such as nutritional supplements and incontinent supplies. An assessment is completed with the family caregiver. Assessments are evaluated and assigned a score value and supplies grants are awarded based on that score. There is a limit on supplies of up to $250. Families may re-apply 12 months after they have used up their allotment.

For further information you may contact us at 1800-392-8771 / 573-335-3331 or by email:
Kathy Bullis, Family Caregiver Program Director,, phone ext. 121

Regina Vonhasseln, Family Caregiver Program Director,, phone ext. 106
Paula Fann, Assistant Case Manager,, phone ext. 125


Helpful Links:

Visit our Caregivers Balance Facebook Page

Our mission at Aging Matters is to develop a coordinated delivery system of services to assist and enable older Missourians to remain in their own homes as long as possible and enhance the quality of life for all older Missourians.

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