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Help make Missouri a great place to age with dignity!


Missouri is developing a Master Plan on Aging and we need to hear from you to ensure it's the best plan for older adults, adults with disability and caregivers. All Missourians are encouraged to take the survey. It will be available until September 16, 2024.



This survey, developed in collaboration with National Research Center at Polco, covers topics such as: accessibility, physical and mental health, employment and financial hardship, housing, transportation, and other major factors affecting Missouri residents’ ability to live and age with dignity. Results from this survey will help inform Missouri’s Master Plan on Aging and the development of related policies, initiatives, and community programs throughout the state.


If you’ve already taken this survey, help us spread the word! Please share the above link with your neighbors and local networks.

You may request a paper version of the survey or schedule a time to take the survey over the phone by calling Polco at 855-773-0665.

All responses will be kept confidential and participants' personal data will never be shared. For more information on this survey questionnaire or process contact Aging Matters at 573-335-3331.


​For more information click here:


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